10 Must-Read Posts from 2017


Enjoying winter break?

So are we. NACAC offices are closed Dec. 25 through Jan. 1.

Check back for a new post on Jan. 2. Until then, enjoy these top stories from 2017.

College T-Shirt Beach Etiquette
NACAC member Steve Peifer offers a humorous take on the range of emotions a college T-shirt can elicit from alums.

Study: Are Today’s Teens Afraid to Grow up?
Dating and obtaining a driver’s license have long been American rites of passage, but a new study suggests that today’s teens seem less interested in meeting those milestones than previous generations.

Member View: DACA and the Moral Universe
The best way to address immigration is to continue the long arc toward justice, giving our most vulnerable residents access to employment and higher education, writes NACAC member Britten Nelson.

Study: Ninth-Grade GPA Helps Predict Student Success
New research from the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research suggests that students’ ninth-grade GPA might be the best predictor yet of future academic performance, graduation rate, and college enrollment.

Close to Missing Something Great
Senior year is full of milestones for college-bound students — don’t miss out on the important moments, writes NACAC member Steve Peifer.

Good or Bad, Meme Groups Now Play a Larger Role in College Admission
Gone are the days where students had to wait until freshman orientation to connect with one another. Now students have connected online before they ever arrive on campus. The latest of these online forums are Facebook meme groups and nearly every major college in America has one.

Michelle Obama Cites NACAC Data in White House Remarks
Michelle Obama used findings from a NACAC report to help shine a spotlight on the importance of school counselors.

3 Ways to Help Vets Succeed
While veterans can bring tremendous value to the nation’s college campuses, their path to a degree is often more complex than that of a traditional undergrad.

November 1st Eve is the New Halloween
For seniors (and college counselors) Oct. 31 isn’t Halloween — it’s November 1st Eve, writes NACAC member Stephanie Santillo.

Loan Forgiveness Available for Counseling and Admission Professionals
Public service employees are eligible to have their student debt wiped off the books under a new federal loan forgiveness program.

Admitted writer/editor Mary Stegmeir welcomes additional comments and story ideas at mstegmeir@nacacnet.org.