Honor Society for Community College Students Hopes to Expand its Reach


An honor society for community college students wants to recruit more members, and organization leaders say the move has the potential to bolster US degree completion rates.

Members of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) are far more likely than their peers to earn a two- or four-year degree, data show.

But currently, only 11 percent of students eligible for membership join the honor society, according to a recent article published in Community College Week (CCW).

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Taking a Deeper Dive to Improve Transfer Student Experiences on Your Campus


For the second year, NACAC sponsored the annual conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS). At the sold-out event in February, attendees gathered to learn new ideas and share best practices designed to help students navigate the transfer process.

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#NACACreads: Learn More about the Students Featured in ‘Hold Fast to Dreams’

hold_fast_to_dreams_pb_350For many participants in last month’s #NACACreads chat, the highlight of the evening was hearing from Michael Forbes and Abigail Benavente — two of the 10 students featured in Hold Fast to Dreams.

Admitted asked author Joshua Steckel for updates about the rest of the young people profiled in his award-winning book examining college access and success.

Now in their late-20s, all the students are upwardly mobile and engaging in fulfilling work, said Steckel, who co-wrote Hold Fast to Dreams with Beth Zasloff.

Continue reading #NACACreads: Learn More about the Students Featured in ‘Hold Fast to Dreams’