Writers Guide for Admitted

Our Mission
• Offer daily updates on NACAC and the world of college admission counseling.
• Provide timely analysis of noteworthy research and programs.
• The NACAC team will consider publishing academic writing and analysis of relevant research on a case-by-case basis.

Our Goals
• Create a user-friendly gateway to NACAC research and publications.
• Highlight new or innovative practices used by NACAC members.
• Provide an avenue for members/staff to share expertise and opinions.
• Keep members informed about the latest developments in their field.
• Further NACAC’s reach and influence.

Audience Groups
• NACAC members and others involved in students’ transition to postsecondary education.
• The media, policymakers.

• 200 to 600 words

• AP Style/NACAC Style
•  Short sentences, written in active voice.
• Short paragraphs (ideally, one to three sentences in length).

Writing Guidelines
• Keep your text informal. Have fun with personal columns, trend pieces and Q&A’s. Try a newsy/explanatory style when dissecting research or policy. But no matter the topic, be conversational.
• Craft your first sentence with care. It will serve as your post’s summary on the NACAC homepage. Grab readers’ attention: Highlight (or at least reference) the most interesting nugget of information in your piece.
• Make headlines short. Aim for five to eight words.
• The communications team will provide final edits. Please email your submissions in a Word document to mstegmeir@nacacnet.org.

Regular updates on NACAC and the world of college admission counseling. For more information about NACAC, visit nacacnet.org.