Category Archives: College Admission

#NACACreads: Learn More about the Students Featured in ‘Hold Fast to Dreams’

hold_fast_to_dreams_pb_350For many participants in last month’s #NACACreads chat, the highlight of the evening was hearing from Michael Forbes and Abigail Benavente — two of the 10 students featured in Hold Fast to Dreams.

Admitted asked author Joshua Steckel for updates about the rest of the young people profiled in his award-winning book examining college access and success.

Now in their late-20s, all the students are upwardly mobile and engaging in fulfilling work, said Steckel, who co-wrote Hold Fast to Dreams with Beth Zasloff.

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#NACACreads Author: Access and Success for Low-Income Students Starts with Understanding

hold_fast_to_dreams_pb_350It takes more than generous financial aid packages to get first-generation students to and through college.

Make no mistake: Monetary support is crucial. But college counselors on both sides of the desk also need to understand the structural inequalities that define the lives of many low-income teens.

That was the message author and public school counselor Joshua Steckel shared with participants during Wednesday’s online #NACACreads chat. His book, Hold Fast to Dreams: A College Guidance Counselor, His Students, and the Vision of a Life Beyond Poverty, follows 10 young people from New York City as they apply to colleges and go on to pursue higher education.

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#NACACreads Author: ‘Quality School Counseling Shouldn’t be a Luxury’

steckel475#NACACreads author Joshua Steckel sought a job in New York City’s public school system nine years ago because he wanted to help low-income teens access higher education.

In Hold Fast to Dreams Steckel and co-author Beth Zasloff seek to further that work, this time by spotlighting the barriers first-generation and minority students face in the college admission process.

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#NACACreads: Frank Bruni Urges New Approach to College Admission

whereyoullgoLife isn’t scripted, and neither is success.

Yet, increasingly, students and families engaged in the college admission process fall prey to the idea that only a certain set of elite colleges can provide the necessary education and experiences, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni told #NACACreads participants Monday night.

The result? Undue stress, regimented resume-building, and an unsettling shift in values. It’s a trend Bruni wants to see changed.

“Success isn’t where you got IN,” he noted during the Twitter chat. “It’s what you do with it.”

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#NACACreads Chat: Rewarding Creativity on College Apps Would Have Trickle-Down Effect

oneworldschoolhouseColleges that accept video essays or provide other avenues for students to express themselves in the admission process may be on to something.

That was the assessment made Wednesday by participants in the inaugural #NACACreads Twitter chat.

The issue was raised during a discussion of Sal Khan’s The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined. In the book, Khan — founder of the online learning platform, Khan Academy — notes that “today’s world needs a workforce of creative, curious and self-directed lifelong learners.”

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Minnesota’s Camp College Promotes Access

Students discuss college choices with a counselor at Minnesota's Camp College. (MACAC photo)
Students discuss college choices with a counselor at Minnesota’s Camp College. (MACAC photo)

College is possible.

That’s the message a group of rising seniors from Minnesota heard Monday during the state’s inaugural Camp College. The two-day event, which continues today, is part of a larger push by NACAC affiliates to help first-generation and other underserved students learn more about the higher education options available to them.

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Gaokao Scores Accepted at US University Under Pilot Program


Chinese students who performed well on their country’s national college placement exam will be able to apply for admission to the University of San Francisco (CA) later this month.

The pilot program seeks to attract high-performing students who, for myriad reasons, decide they no longer wish to pursue postsecondary education in their home country.

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Improving the Transfer Process for Students

Earlier this month, NACAC staff traveled to Atlanta to participate in the annual conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students — an entity which strives to improve the lives of transfer students by supporting those who directly serve these students, as well as those who create transfer policy and conduct transfer-related research.

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